Children Of Adam And Eve: Stop The Slaughter: You Have
The Luminous Gift Of Reason To Achieve Peace
Go Back to the
Beginning: Adam and Eve Were Neither Jewish Nor Muslim
Nor Christian Nor Anything Else But Humanity: O Children
of Adam and Eve in Israel and Palestinian Territories:
Rise to Higher Realm of Existence: Hatred Violence
Slaughter and Ever-Going War Are Not the Way to Peace:
Peace CAN NOT EVER Be Achieved Through Hatred and the
Slaughters of Wars: Taking Revenge SHALL NEVER Get Those
Dead by Both Parties Back to Life: Turn Away From
Slaughter: The Stampede in Which Animals Take Part
Always Kills More Animals Than Otherwise Would Be the
Challenge Taughtology
of Thinking We Can Either Fight or Take Flight: We Are
Not Sheer Animals: We Have Reason: Not Fight: Not Run
Away: But With the Luminous Light of Reason We Choose to
Create the Righteous Conditions in Which We Would Like
to Live: Reason Gives Us Righteousness: Must We Exist by
Its Beautiful Light and Luminosity: Here Is the New
Psychology: We Call Upon All Israelis and Palestinians
to Form Tens of Humanity As The Torah Says: Create Tens
and Hundreds and Thousands of Humanity and Elect
Leaders of The Tens, of The Hundreds and of The
Thousands and Call a Universal Conference of Peace For
All and This Is Done By Ordinary People on Both Sides of
the Border: The Israelis and The Palestinians: This
Shall Have Nothing to Do With the Leaders Who Have
Desperately Fallen Victims of and Are Blinded By
Taughtologies: They Are Dragging the Peoples on Both
Sides Towards Nothing But Ever-Going Slaughters and
Ever-Going Bloodshed Deaths and Destructions: Do It Even
If Many Would Call You Traitors! Only the Visionaries
Have Eyes to See The Future: Others Are Blind Even to
SEE the Darkness of the Present and EVEN the Darker
Future Unless the Righteous Rise Up to Challenge the
Taughtologies and Present a Vision of Reason and
Hamas Must Release the
Innocent Hostages That It Brutally Kidnapped Forthwith
Without Any Pre-Conditions WHATSOEVER: Israel Must Stop
the War of Vengeance and Revenge Forthwith and Let
Humanitarian Aid Flow Into the Gaza Strip and Choose the
Path of Peace: All Palestinians Must Choose Peace: And
Both Parties Must Construct That Peace Together Through
a Committed Continual and Growing Process of Making That
Righteous Peace: Israel Can Not Ever Achieve Peace By
Continued Occupation and War and Slaughters and
Palestinians Can Not Ever Achieve Palestine and Peace
With Violence Hatred and Slaughters: Peace Is the Garden
of Righteousness: Hatred Violence and Slaughters Is the
Graveyard of Unrighteous: The Unrighteous Can Neither
Reach Nor Achieve Peace: By Choosing to Abandon Hatred
Violence and Slaughters We Begin the Journey on the Path
of Reason and Righteousness and That Path SHALL FOREVER
Leads to Peace: And the World's Leaders and States and
Governments Must Stop Adding Petrol to the Fire of
Hatred Violence and Slaughters of War and Must Do
Everything in Their Powers to Support Both Parties Reach
That Beautiful Beginning of Constructing That Righteous
Peace For Both the Israelis and the Palestinians: These
Slaughters of Innocent Lives MUST END TODAY: Period: The
Humanion and Elleesium Group of Publications