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Mother Universana
























The Innerluminous Galaxillation

Medicine Mother Earth















The Sunnara














The Moon

The Humanicsxian: September 09: Issue:04














The Lake Eden Eye

The Home-Bay Milky Way














The Maarth

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First Published: September 24: 2015

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The Humanion: London: England: UK: Year Eighth: Day 359: Monday: September 18: 2023: Cogito Ergo Sum: Descartes

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I Question Therefore I Learn

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To Autumn

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness!
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run;
To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and pump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
For Summer has o'er-brimmed their clammy cells.

To Autumn : John Keats

Poetry Month Special

Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice. At that time Macondo was a village of twenty adobe houses, built on the bank of a river of clear water that ran along a bed of polished stones, which were white and enormous, like prehistoric eggs. The world was so recent that many things lacked names, and in order to indicate them it was necessary to point. One Hundred Years of Solitude : Gabriel Garcia Marquez: Translation : Gregory Rabassa

He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish. In the first forty days a boy had been with him. But after forty days without fish the boy's parents had told him that the old man was now definitely and finally salao, which is the worst form of unlucky, and the boy had gone at their orders in another boat which caught three good fish the first week. The Old Man and the Sea: Ernest Hemingway

Sth, I know that woman. She used to live with a flock of birds on Lenox Avenue. Know her husband, too. He fell for an eighteen-year-old girl with one of those deepdown, spooky loves that made him so sad and happy he shot her just to keep the feeling going. When the woman, her name is Violet, went to the funeral to see the girl and to cut her dead face they threw her to the floor and out of the church. Jazz : Toni Morisson

On an evening in the later part of May a middle-aged man was walking homeward from Shaston to the village of Marlott, in the adjoining Vale of Blackmore  or Blackmoor. The pair of legs that carried him were rickety, and there was a bias in his gait which inclined him somewhat to the left of a straight line. He Occasionally gave a smart nod, as if in confirmation of some opinion, though he was not thinking of anything in particular. Tess of the d'Urbervilles : Thomas Hardy

1801- I have just returned from a visit to my landlord- the solitary neighbour that I shall be troubled with. This is certainly, a beautiful country! In all England, I do not believe that I could have fixed on a situation so completely removed from the stir of society. A perfect misanthropist's Heaven-and Mr Heathcliff and I are such a suitable pair to divide the desolation between us. Wuthering Heights : Emily Bronté




Year Theta Eighth Year: Day 359: Monday: September 18: 2023: The Humanion: We Are One











Life's Laurel Is You In One-Line-Poetry A Heaven-Bound Propagated Ray Of Light Off The Eye Of The Book Of Life: Love For You Are Only Once






I Question Therefore I Learn


Life: You Are The Law The Flow The Glow: In Joys In Hurts You Are The Vine-Songs On The Light-Trellis


A Regine Humanics Foundation Ltd Publication: Support The Foundation

VIII London Poetry Festival 2023: October 14-15 

End Homelessness The Humanion Campaign: Because Right to a Home for Every Human Soul is a Foundational Human Right






A: Absolute Right to Live in Clean, Healthy, Safe and Natural Environment: B: Absolute Right to Breathe Natural, Fresh, Clean and Safe Air: C: Absolute Right to Necessary Nutritional Balanced Food and Drink: D: Absolute Right to Free Medical Care at the Point of Need: E: Absolute Right to an Absolute Home: F: Absolute Right to Free Degree-Level Education and Life Long Learning: G: Absolute Right to Guaranteed Social Care: H: Absolute Right to a Universal Income: I: Absolute Right to a Job: J: Absolute Right to Dignified Civic and Human Funeral Paid Through by Universal Income







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|| All copyrights @ The Humanion: London: England: United Kingdom || Contact: The Humanion: editor at || Regine Humanics Foundation Ltd: elleesium at || Editor-In-Chief: Munayem Mayenin || First Published: September 24: 2015 ||
|| Regine Humanics Foundation Ltd: A Human Enterprise: Registered as a Not For Profit Social Enterprise in England and Wales: Company No: 11346648 ||